A Recap of 2015 and looking ahead to 2016

I always promise myself that I am not going to let the holidays kick my ass, and yet every year I come out on the other side like, "What the hell happened?"

So it's New Years Eve, 2015 is coming to an end, and I am honestly really happy with how this year turned out! 2014 and 2015 have honestly been the best years of my adult life and I am hoping 2016 will be even better. 

This year I worked insanely hard and reached a huge goal of mine! After spending years being miserable in the service industry, I finally broke out and got a job in an awesome field. I wanted to do this without going into debt by going back to school, and in September I made this goal happen! I am so proud and have so much gratitude for everyone who helped me out along the way, even if for most of the year I worked two jobs, gave myself an ulcer, and wanted to give up more times than I can count. What I have now may not seem like much to some, but it means everything to me after all the hard work that went into it.

I decided to make this photo a metaphor for depression....or something.

I decided to make this photo a metaphor for depression....or something.

I will say that one thing no one ever tells you about reaching a huge goal is that you will experience major, "What next?!" depression afterwards. I spent years dreaming about being where I am today. Now that I am here, it's really hard to picture what the next goal is. The first couple of months in my new position were rough. Even with constant positive feedback I was terrified I would be fired at any second, and I also didn't know how to exist without that huge goal anymore. Many people told me to sit for a second and try to enjoy the view, but at heart I am hustler. I will always want that next challenge. The main thing I want to work towards in 2016 is to figure out what that next challenge is. Whether it's career-related, growing this blog,  a fitness goal, or whatever else comes up along the way, I want to start climbing the next mountain. 

I have no idea how I would have made it through 2015 without this guy...who is covering his face with his cell phone...

I have no idea how I would have made it through 2015 without this guy...who is covering his face with his cell phone...

Of course I have some other goals for 2016 as well. Working two jobs most of last year didn't give me much time to spend with the people I love. My boyfriend was a major support through all of it, but I didn't spend much time with my friends and family. Now that my life is a little more stable I want to make sure to prioritize time with them more.

I need more time with these two in the coming year!

I need more time with these two in the coming year!

My love for fitness was also pushed to the side while I was focusing on career goals. I think not being in the gym enough is part of the depression I have been experiencing. This year I want to get strict pull ups, and get back to squatting 215 and above. I have already told Brian if I don't make it into the gym four times a week I have to give him $20, so that should help get me motivated to make the five block walk over there after work.

This one also seems mildly fitness related, but I want to make an effort to get out of the city and into nature more. Washington is such a beautiful state, and I haven't explored it as much as a resident should. While I love living in Seattle, I also know I need to escape here and there to keep myself happy and sane. In 2016 I want to do at least 10 new hikes. I also want to get back to doing more of the photo adventures Brea and I did so often before. Looking through my photo library I realized the last one we did was in 2013. This definitely needs to change in 2016.

Brian and I at Rattlesnake Ridge this fall.

Brian and I at Rattlesnake Ridge this fall.

Travel. It's big on my list every year, and I don't think that will ever change. Last year I went to Florida and New Orleans. This year I want to get more travel under my belt. I already have trips planned to Austin and Mexico, but I am also hoping for a big trip off this continent. Here is to hoping I can convince Brian we should go to Hong Kong before the year is over. Otherwise I am also looking at a trip to Scotland with the friend I am visiting in Austin.

New Orleans with friends this summer!

New Orleans with friends this summer!

2015, you were tough, but you were still good to me. 2016, I hope I can keep climbing these goal mountains during our time together. If not, hopefully I can learn to be okay with that as well. Things change, people change, and one major thing I have learned is that you have to attempt to be flexible.

What are you hoping for in 2016? I would love to hear your goals and resolutions in the comments!